Why does cancer hurt?

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Why is cancer painful?
The cancer itself or a side effect of treatment often causes pain. Pain is more common in those with advanced stage cancer. Cancer pain can be caused by a tumour pressing on nerves, bones, or organs of the body. Accurate diagnosis of the cause and type of pain is key to finding the most effective treatment for the cancer patient.

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Partha Protim Choudhury

While not all cancer patients have bear pain, some do. If cancer has spread or recurred, the chance of having pain is higher. Pain could happen as a tumour grows; it can press on nerves, bones, or organs. The tumour can also release pain-producing substances. Determining the nature and source of your pain is crucial. Most cancer pain is manageable, and controlling it is an essential part of the whole treatment plan by your healthcare provider.

How does cancer become painful?

Cancer can cause pain through various mechanisms, depending on the type of cancer and its location in the body. Here are some reasons why cancer can be painful:

As cancer cells multiply and form tumours, they can exert pressure on surrounding tissues, organs, nerves, and bones, leading to ache. This pressure can compress nerves, causing localised or radiating pain depending on the location and extent of tumour growth. Additionally, cancer cells can invade nearby tissues and structures, disrupting their normal function and causing suffering. This invasion can lead to inflammation, irritation, and damage to surrounding nerves, resulting in pain. The body’s immune response to cancer cells can cause inflammation, which can contribute to pain. Inflammatory mediators released by the immune system can sensitise nerves and amplify pain signals.

Some cancers can directly affect nerves, either by growing into or around them or by producing chemicals that stimulate pain receptors. This can lead to neuropathic pain, which is means shooting, burning, or tingling sensations. When cancer spreads (metastasizes) to other parts of the body, it can cause pain in those areas. Metastatic tumours can affect bones, organs, and nerves, leading to localised or widespread pain.

What are the types of cancer pain?

There are basically three types of cancer pain, they are cited underneath:

Somatic pain is the most common type of pain in patients with cancer, and bone metastases are the most prevalent cause. It is characterised as well localised, intermittent, or constant and described as aching, gnawing, throbbing, or cramping.

Visceral pain is mediated by discrete nociceptors in the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary systems, is usually described as deep, squeezing, or colicky, and is commonly referred to cutaneous sites, which may be tender.

Neuropathic pain is the third type of pain that cancer patients frequently face. It arises from damage to the central nervous system, afferent fibre, or peripheral receptor. In clinical terms, neuropathic pain implies a squeezing, searing, dysesthetic pain with shock-like pain paroxysms.

Is cancer treatment pain manageable?

Pain can also result from cancer treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy. These treatments can cause tissue damage, inflammation, nerve injury, and other side effects that contribute to pain. Dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer can also result in psychological distress, which may manifest as physical ache due to the mind-body connection.

Managing cancer pain requires a comprehensive approach that may include prescribed medications, physical therapy, adjuvant therapies, and psychological support. It is essential for patients to work closely with their healthcare team to address pain effectively and improve their quality of life.

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Fact Check
Why is cancer painful?
The cancer itself or a side effect of treatment often causes pain. Pain is more common in those with advanced stage cancer. Cancer pain can be caused by a tumour pressing on nerves, bones, or organs of the body. Accurate diagnosis of the cause and type of pain is key to finding the most effective treatment for the cancer patient.

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Partha Protim Choudhury

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

Why is cancer painful?
The cancer itself or a side effect of treatment often causes pain. Pain is more common in those with advanced stage cancer. Cancer pain can be caused by a tumour pressing on nerves, bones, or organs of the body. Accurate diagnosis of the cause and type of pain is key to finding the most effective treatment for the cancer patient.

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Partha Protim Choudhury

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

Why is cancer painful?
The cancer itself or a side effect of treatment often causes pain. Pain is more common in those with advanced stage cancer. Cancer pain can be caused by a tumour pressing on nerves, bones, or organs of the body. Accurate diagnosis of the cause and type of pain is key to finding the most effective treatment for the cancer patient.

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Partha Protim Choudhury

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

Why is cancer painful?
The cancer itself or a side effect of treatment often causes pain. Pain is more common in those with advanced stage cancer. Cancer pain can be caused by a tumour pressing on nerves, bones, or organs of the body. Accurate diagnosis of the cause and type of pain is key to finding the most effective treatment for the cancer patient.

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Partha Protim Choudhury

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

Why is cancer painful?
The cancer itself or a side effect of treatment often causes pain. Pain is more common in those with advanced stage cancer. Cancer pain can be caused by a tumour pressing on nerves, bones, or organs of the body. Accurate diagnosis of the cause and type of pain is key to finding the most effective treatment for the cancer patient.

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Partha Protim Choudhury

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

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Fact Check
Why is cancer painful?
The cancer itself or a side effect of treatment often causes pain. Pain is more common in those with advanced stage cancer. Cancer pain can be caused by a tumour pressing on nerves, bones, or organs of the body. Accurate diagnosis of the cause and type of pain is key to finding the most effective treatment for the cancer patient.

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Partha Protim Choudhury

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

Why is cancer painful?
The cancer itself or a side effect of treatment often causes pain. Pain is more common in those with advanced stage cancer. Cancer pain can be caused by a tumour pressing on nerves, bones, or organs of the body. Accurate diagnosis of the cause and type of pain is key to finding the most effective treatment for the cancer patient.

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Partha Protim Choudhury

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

Why is cancer painful?
The cancer itself or a side effect of treatment often causes pain. Pain is more common in those with advanced stage cancer. Cancer pain can be caused by a tumour pressing on nerves, bones, or organs of the body. Accurate diagnosis of the cause and type of pain is key to finding the most effective treatment for the cancer patient.

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Partha Protim Choudhury

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

Why is cancer painful?
The cancer itself or a side effect of treatment often causes pain. Pain is more common in those with advanced stage cancer. Cancer pain can be caused by a tumour pressing on nerves, bones, or organs of the body. Accurate diagnosis of the cause and type of pain is key to finding the most effective treatment for the cancer patient.

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Partha Protim Choudhury

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

Why is cancer painful?
The cancer itself or a side effect of treatment often causes pain. Pain is more common in those with advanced stage cancer. Cancer pain can be caused by a tumour pressing on nerves, bones, or organs of the body. Accurate diagnosis of the cause and type of pain is key to finding the most effective treatment for the cancer patient.

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Partha Protim Choudhury

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

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Dr. Saumya Saluja
Dr. Saumya Saluja
A periodontal surgeon by qualification, Dr. Saumya is responsible for reviewing health content and driving health literacy projects.
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