Should people with diabetes eat basmati rice?

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How can people with diabetes include basmati rice in their diet?
People with diabetes can include basmati rice by opting for the brown variety, which has high fibre and lower glycemic index. Controlling portion sizes, pairing it with non-starchy vegetables and lean proteins, and practicing mindful eating can help manage blood sugar levels effectively.

Last Updated on February 5, 2024 by Neelam Singh

Rice is an important part of Indian cuisine, serving as a dietary staple for millions. However, the prevalence of diabetes in India has prompted a closer examination of the relationship between rice consumption and its impact on diabetes management. Given the cultural significance of rice, understanding how different varieties of rice and their preparation methods influence blood sugar levels is crucial. With a growing diabetic population, exploring dietary modifications becomes essential for fostering healthier eating habits while preserving the cultural significance of rice in the Indian context. In this article, we will explore whether there are diabetes-friendly varieties of rice. We will also discuss in detail if people with diabetes should consume basmati rice.

How many varieties of rice are found in India?

India is home to a vast diversity of rice varieties, with estimates suggesting that there are thousands of different types cultivated across the country. These varieties vary in terms of colour, size, shape, aroma, and texture. Some well-known Indian rice varieties include Basmati, Jasmine, Sona Masoori, Kolam, Jeerakasala, and many more. The country’s diverse agro-climatic regions contribute to the abundance of rice varieties, each catering to the culinary preferences and agricultural practices of different regions in India. The rich tapestry of Indian rice reflects the nation’s cultural, geographical, and agricultural diversity.

Which variety is diabetes-friendly rice?

For individuals managing diabetes, some varieties of rice with lower glycemic index are considered more diabetes-friendly. Basmati rice and brown rice are often recommended as they have a lower impact on blood sugar levels compared to regular white rice. These varieties release glucose more slowly, helping to regulate blood sugar. However, it’s crucial to maintain portion control and pair rice consumption with a balanced diet and lifestyle for effective diabetes management.

What is the nutritional profile of white rice?

White rice, a staple in many diets worldwide, is a refined grain that has undergone milling to remove its bran and germ layers, resulting in a polished appearance. While it serves as a versatile and quick-cooking option, it is primarily composed of carbohydrates, offering a moderate source of energy but lacking the fibre and essential nutrients found in its brown or whole-grain counterparts.

Total Fat0.3 grams
Saturated Fat0.1 grams
Cholesterol0 mg
Sodium1 mg
Total Carbohydrates28.7 grams
Dietary Fibre0.4 grams
Sugars0.1 grams
Protein2.7 grams

These values can vary based on the specific type and cooking method of white rice.

What are the glycemic index of different types of rice?

The glycemic index (GI) of various rice varieties indicates how quickly carbohydrates will be absorbed into the bloodstream from rice, impacting blood sugar levels. This index varies among rice types, influencing dietary choices for individuals seeking to manage their blood sugar levels effectively. Understanding the glycemic index of rice can aid in making informed decisions about carbohydrate consumption, particularly for those with diabetes or those aiming to maintain stable energy levels throughout the day.

Rice TypeGlycemic Index (GI)
Basmati (white)58-75
Jasmine (white)70-80
Brown rice50-75
Parboiled rice50-58
Arborio (used in risotto)85
Converted (white)75
Wild rice57
Red rice55
Instant white rice80

Keep in mind that incorporating fibre-rich foods, vegetables, and lean proteins into your meals can help mitigate the overall impact on blood sugar levels. Additionally, individual responses to different foods can vary, so it’s advisable to monitor your blood sugar levels 

The best rice varieties for diabetics

For individuals with diabetes, choosing rice with a lower glycemic index (GI) is advisable.

  • Basmati rice, especially the brown variety
  • Parboiled rice
  • Brown rice
  • Wild rice 
  • Red rice

It’s essential to consider portion sizes and pair rice with vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats to create balanced meals that support blood sugar management.

Basmati rice

Brown basmati rice has a lower glycemic index (GI), slowing the rise in blood sugar. It contains more fibre and nutrients than white rice, aiding in stable blood sugar levels. At the same time, the nutty flavour and aroma enhance the meal experience. However, portion control is vital. Including basmati rice in a balanced diet with vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats supports effective blood sugar management for individuals with diabetes.

Parboiled rice

Parboiled rice due to its lower glycemic index (GI) can be advantageous for individuals with diabetes. The glycemic index measures the impact of a carbohydrate-containing food on blood sugar levels. Foods with lower GI values cause a slower and more gradual increase in blood sugar. Parboiled rice goes through a unique processing method that helps retain more nutrients, including fibre, compared to regular white rice. The fibre content contributes to slower digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, leading to better blood sugar control. However, diabetic individuals must manage portion sizes and incorporate parboiled rice into a well-balanced diet.

Brown rice

Brown rice can be beneficial for individuals with diabetes for several reasons. It has a lower glycemic index (GI) compared to white rice, meaning it causes a slower and more gradual increase in blood sugar levels. Particularly the bran layer contributes to better blood sugar control. Fibre slows down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, leading to a more stable rise in blood sugar. Additionally, brown rice provides essential nutrients, making it a nutritious choice when included in a well-balanced diet that emphasises vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Managing portion sizes is key for effective blood sugar management.

Wild rice

Wild rice benefits individuals with diabetes as it also has a lower glycemic index. It provides dietary fibre for better blood sugar control and offers essential nutrients as a nutrient-dense whole grain. Managing portion sizes and incorporating a variety of nutrient-rich foods is important for overall health in individuals with diabetes.

Red rice

Consuming red rice can also help diabetics manage their blood sugar levels as it also has a lower glycemic index. Including red rice in a balanced diet and managing portion sizes contributes to effective blood sugar management for those with diabetes.

Black rice 

Black rice is also a good option for diabetes due to its lower glycemic index, rich antioxidants (anthocyanins), high fibre content, and essential nutrients. Including black rice in a balanced diet, along with portion control, supports effective blood sugar management for individuals with diabetes.

Frequently asked questions

How to cook rice for diabetic patients?

For diabetic patients, opt for lower glycemic index rice varieties like brown or basmati rice to manage blood sugar levels. Rinse rice thoroughly before cooking to reduce starch content. Use the absorption method by boiling rice in measured water, ensuring it’s fully absorbed to maintain nutrient integrity. Incorporate healthy fats like olive oil to slow down digestion and minimise blood sugar spikes. Consider adding non-starchy vegetables or legumes to increase fibre and nutritional value. 

Why is rice not good for diabetes?

Rice, especially white rice, has a high glycemic index, causing rapid spikes in blood sugar levels when consumed. This quick increase in glucose can pose challenges for individuals with diabetes in managing their blood sugar effectively. Additionally, white rice lacks the fibre and nutrients present in its whole-grain counterparts, which can contribute to a less balanced and less nutritious diet. Choosing lower glycemic index rice varieties, such as brown or basmati rice, and practising portion control can help individuals with diabetes better manage their blood sugar levels while still enjoying rice in moderation.

Which basmati rice is good for diabetics?

Among various basmati rice varieties, brown basmati rice is a better choice for diabetics. Brown basmati rice retains its bran and germ layers, providing more fibre and nutrients compared to white basmati rice. The fibre content helps slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, leading to a gradual rise in blood sugar levels. This can be beneficial for individuals with diabetes in managing their blood sugar effectively.

How much rice is good for diabetes?

The ideal rice portion for individuals with diabetes depends on various factors, including individual dietary needs, activity levels, and overall health. As a general guideline, a serving size of about ½ to 1 cup of cooked rice is commonly recommended. Opting for whole-grain varieties like brown or basmati rice, which have lower glycemic index values, can also be beneficial. However, individuals with diabetes must monitor their blood sugar levels regularly.

Are rice noodles good for diabetes?

Rice noodles, being a source of carbohydrates, can affect blood sugar levels. However, compared to traditional wheat-based noodles, rice noodles generally have a lower glycemic index. Choosing whole grain or brown rice noodles over refined white rice noodles can be a better option for individuals with diabetes, as they contain more fibre and nutrients. Nevertheless, moderation is the key.

Does rice cause diabetes?

Rice itself does not directly cause diabetes. However, consuming excessive amounts of refined rice, especially varieties with high glycemic index like white rice, may contribute to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. High-glycemic foods can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, potentially impacting insulin sensitivity over time. A balanced diet, moderation in rice consumption, and choosing whole grain options can help manage blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes.

Sample diet plan for diabetics 


  • Quinoa Porridge with almonds and berries (10g fibre, 10g protein, 30g carbs, 5g fat)

Mid-morning snack

  • Dahi with a sprinkle of chia seeds (10g protein, 15g carbs, 5g fat)


  • Lentil soup with mixed vegetables (10g fibre, 10g protein, 30g carbs, 5g fat)
  • 1 cup cooked brown rice (4g fibre)

Afternoon snack

  • Handful of roasted chickpeas (5g fibre, 7g protein, 15g carbs, 5g fat)


  • Grilled chicken or tofu (25g protein, 5g fat)
  • Spinach and fenugreek sautéed with garlic (5g fibre, 5g protein)

Evening snack

  • A small bowl of mixed nuts and seeds (5g protein, 10g fat)

Note: Ensure to stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water and consider incorporating herbal teas.

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

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Fact Check
How can people with diabetes include basmati rice in their diet?
People with diabetes can include basmati rice by opting for the brown variety, which has high fibre and lower glycemic index. Controlling portion sizes, pairing it with non-starchy vegetables and lean proteins, and practicing mindful eating can help manage blood sugar levels effectively.

Last Updated on February 5, 2024 by Neelam Singh

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

How can people with diabetes include basmati rice in their diet?
People with diabetes can include basmati rice by opting for the brown variety, which has high fibre and lower glycemic index. Controlling portion sizes, pairing it with non-starchy vegetables and lean proteins, and practicing mindful eating can help manage blood sugar levels effectively.

Last Updated on February 5, 2024 by Neelam Singh

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

How can people with diabetes include basmati rice in their diet?
People with diabetes can include basmati rice by opting for the brown variety, which has high fibre and lower glycemic index. Controlling portion sizes, pairing it with non-starchy vegetables and lean proteins, and practicing mindful eating can help manage blood sugar levels effectively.

Last Updated on February 5, 2024 by Neelam Singh

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

How can people with diabetes include basmati rice in their diet?
People with diabetes can include basmati rice by opting for the brown variety, which has high fibre and lower glycemic index. Controlling portion sizes, pairing it with non-starchy vegetables and lean proteins, and practicing mindful eating can help manage blood sugar levels effectively.

Last Updated on February 5, 2024 by Neelam Singh

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

How can people with diabetes include basmati rice in their diet?
People with diabetes can include basmati rice by opting for the brown variety, which has high fibre and lower glycemic index. Controlling portion sizes, pairing it with non-starchy vegetables and lean proteins, and practicing mindful eating can help manage blood sugar levels effectively.

Last Updated on February 5, 2024 by Neelam Singh

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

More in

Fact Check
How can people with diabetes include basmati rice in their diet?
People with diabetes can include basmati rice by opting for the brown variety, which has high fibre and lower glycemic index. Controlling portion sizes, pairing it with non-starchy vegetables and lean proteins, and practicing mindful eating can help manage blood sugar levels effectively.

Last Updated on February 5, 2024 by Neelam Singh

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

How can people with diabetes include basmati rice in their diet?
People with diabetes can include basmati rice by opting for the brown variety, which has high fibre and lower glycemic index. Controlling portion sizes, pairing it with non-starchy vegetables and lean proteins, and practicing mindful eating can help manage blood sugar levels effectively.

Last Updated on February 5, 2024 by Neelam Singh

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

How can people with diabetes include basmati rice in their diet?
People with diabetes can include basmati rice by opting for the brown variety, which has high fibre and lower glycemic index. Controlling portion sizes, pairing it with non-starchy vegetables and lean proteins, and practicing mindful eating can help manage blood sugar levels effectively.

Last Updated on February 5, 2024 by Neelam Singh

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

How can people with diabetes include basmati rice in their diet?
People with diabetes can include basmati rice by opting for the brown variety, which has high fibre and lower glycemic index. Controlling portion sizes, pairing it with non-starchy vegetables and lean proteins, and practicing mindful eating can help manage blood sugar levels effectively.

Last Updated on February 5, 2024 by Neelam Singh

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

How can people with diabetes include basmati rice in their diet?
People with diabetes can include basmati rice by opting for the brown variety, which has high fibre and lower glycemic index. Controlling portion sizes, pairing it with non-starchy vegetables and lean proteins, and practicing mindful eating can help manage blood sugar levels effectively.

Last Updated on February 5, 2024 by Neelam Singh

Disclaimer: Medical Science is an ever evolving field. We strive to keep this page updated. In case you notice any discrepancy in the content, please inform us at [email protected]. You can futher read our Correction Policy here. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website or it's social media channels. Read our Full Disclaimer Here for further information.

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Garima Dev Verman
Garima Dev Verman
A qualified and experienced dietitian, Garima is analyses and fact checks content around diet and nutrition.
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