Smooth skin or risky business: Exploring the effects of hair removal cream

In a mad rush to make ourselves look beautiful, we, especially the women, often buy random cosmetic products from the market and use them. But is it safe to randomly use these products, including creams to get rid of body hair?

Last Updated on April 25, 2023 by Shabnam Sengupta

In today’s market, a plethora of products including hair removal creams are readily available, each claiming to transform women into fair-complexioned, slimmer versions of themselves or bestow velvet-smooth skin. Unfortunately, consumers often fall prey to these claims and purchase these products without seeking expert advice, potentially resulting in severe consequences.

Divyam Shetty has first-hand experience with the consequences of using certain cosmetic products. After using a hair-removal product, she noticed that her skin had turned black and developed black spots. Similarly, Pramila Srinivas shared that while using such creams initially provides a sense of being a modern woman, soon the need arises to use another cream to eliminate the skin’s discolouration. Anamika, another user, reported that after applying a cream for the first time, she experienced itching and reddish rashes on her skin. Unfortunately, it took years for these women’s skin to return to normal after discontinuing the use of these creams.

Recognising the signs

“Whether a hair-removal cream is safe to use largely depends on the user’s skin type”, said Dr Aruna Prasad, Consultant Dermatologist and Cosmetologist. She informed that some people don’t have sensitive skin that develops allergy or itching while others have. So, it is important to test any kind of hair-removal cream before using them.

She further added, “Symptoms may not appear during the testing phase of the cream but may develop once usage begins. This can be due to the increased amount of cream used and prolonged contact with the skin. If any symptoms such as itching, redness or rashes appear after applying the cream, one should immediately stop using it”.

Choosing the right areas to apply hair removal cream

According to Dr Shefali Trasi, “First of all, one has to decide on which part of the body the hair-removal cream has to be applied. While it is still okay to apply it in the external areas, one needs to be extra careful when applying it in the sensitive areas, like in the pubic area. It is not safe to use such creams for removing the pubic hair. Using the creams could lead to skin allergy, blackness, and pigmentation disorder”.

Dr Shefali further said that people prefer these products since they remove unwanted hair without any pain, but they must not apply them on the pubic area.

She further said, “Before using a hair-removal cream, one should clean the area where the cream needs to be applied and do a small patch test. Also, test the product’s fragrance before you buy it because you might develop an allergy over a specific smell. If you are prone to allergies, then test the product before using it. If possible, you can consult a skin specialist before using it”.

Chemicals found in hair removal creams

Thioglycolic acid is the main ingredient in hair-removal creams. It can be added in the form of potassium and calcium thioglycolates and as pure thioglycolic acid. Together, these acids break down keratin so that the hair can be removed easily. Keratin is a protein that helps in forming strong hair.

According to one research, the use of thioglycolic acid is generally done in the form of cosmetics. If it comes in contact with skin, eyes, digestive and respiratory systems, the result could be irritation and chemical reaction. The research has also said that our eyes can suffer serious injuries even if a small drop of thioglycolic acid touches them.

Importance of body hair

It is important to have body hair because it acts as a layer that protects us from external factors such as sunrays. Hair follicles contain stem cells that help in quick healing of any kind of injury. Hair in the eyebrows helps in protecting the eyes from sweating and bacterial infection. Hair in the legs also helps us as its follicles facilitate the flow of blood which supplies oxygen to those parts of the body. One should also keep in mind that the natural loss of hair in legs could be a symptom of peripheral artery disease, which is a condition in which narrowed blood vessels reduce blood-flow to the limbs.

When women break the taboo

In ‘The last taboo: women, body hair and feminism’, Karin Lesnik-Oberstein said that people express shock if women have hair on their bodies. Such women are often looked down upon. Also, celebrity Miley Cyrus once showed off her armpit hair in an Instagram post suggesting that it is a normal thing to have.  

It is often debated that if men having hair in legs, hands, and other areas of the body can be considered normal, why is it not the same with women? It is not wrong to remove body hair to maintain physical hygiene but just doing it as a fashion statement could lead to adverse consequences for the body.

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