Breaking down the obesity crisis

Like malnutrition, obesity has also become a major health problem as many people tend to mistake obesity for good health.

Last Updated on May 4, 2023 by Shabnam Sengupta

While overweight or obesity itself is a problem, it can also be the root of many diseases. The drastic changes in today’s lifestyles is one of the leading causes of the obesity crisis. Neglecting timely meals exercise invites obesity, exacerbating these health issues.

Half of the world’s population at risk

The World Obesity Federation’s World Obesity Atlas 2023 report issues a stern warning. More than half of the world’s population may suffer from obesity by 2035. This could happen if lifestyle and dietary habits are not modified. The report also suggests that there must be a sincere effort to tackle climate change. This report was based on the body-mass index. It also suggests that obesity-related health problems will have severe impact on the economy.

Obesity not only poses a health problem but also acts as a root cause for various diseases. These include diabetes, hormonal imbalance, and heart problems. This, in turn, can impact a nation’s economic development. Therefore, every citizen must strive to combat obesity to avoid its consequences.

The world obesity report predicts an average annual increase of 5.2 percent in adult obesity cases and up to nine percent in children. These statistics indicate that obesity will become a significant health issue for children in the future.

Unhealthy lifestyle a major reason of obesity crisis

The National Family Health Survey (NFHS) conducted between 2019 and 2021 indicates that the percentage of obese men has risen from 9.3 percent in 2006 to 22.9 percent in 2021. In the case of women, the percentage has increased from 12.6 percent to 24 percent. These figures show that women are at a bigger risk of suffering from obesity than men. As per one report, obesity rate is highest among women in Puducherry. Punjab follows next at 40 percent, and Haryana at 28 percent.

Chemicals in cosmetics, sitting for extended periods at work, not exercising enough among other factors can lead to obesity. Reports indicate that chemicals in cosmetics can affect the endocrine glands, resulting in uncontrolled weight gain.

Sustainable changes for a healthier life

Dietician Priyamwada Dixit

Priyamwada Dixit, chief dietician and diabetes instructor suggests changing food habits as the first step towards reducing obesity. She said, “We should eat more green vegetables, soyabean, beans, and lentils to the diet along with fish for those who enjoy it.” She advised to consume food with low sugar and salt content while avoiding fatty, oily, and canned food. She said, “We should drink adequate water and avoid heavy meals at night. There should also be a gap of around one or two hours between dinner and sleep.”

She further advised to take short walks during free time or in the morning or evening. Running in the morning can also help. She said, “It’s important not to ignore physical activity, but you should seek medical advice if you experience leg pain. This is because the increased weight due to obesity can put pressure on the legs.”

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