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Don’t fall prey to false medical information on the internet: Rashmi Rekha Behera

Don’t fall prey to false medical information on the internet: Rashmi Rekha Behera

Last Updated on September 8, 2022 by Shabnam Sengupta

Rashmi Rekha Behera, MSc (Clinical Psychology), MA (Counselling Psychology) is a Counselling Psychologist and the Founder and CEO of Knitting Minds – Mental Health Counselling and Training Services in Kolkata, West Bengal.

What is the best thing you enjoy about treating patients?

The best thing that I enjoy is when my patients tell me that they felt “heard” after their session. I also like it when they do the exercises that I ask them to do, and it helps them.

When is a patient easy to treat? 

My work as psychologist gets easy when my patients are cooperative and ready to have the learning curve towards the various techniques used in therapy.

When is a patient difficult to treat?

It gets very difficult to treat when patients don’t follow my advice properly or come for follow-ups according to their treatment plan.

How helpful is it to the treatment course, if the patient is knowledgeable about the treatment procedure, benefits, risks etc.?

It is actually easy for me as a counsellor, if the client knows about the treatment procedure because it gets easy for me to explain the treatment to them. They also tend to understand the seriousness of their situations and issues more than the others. Thus, it saves time.

How can a patient improve their knowledge about the treatment procedure?

For knowledge, patients can ask their doctor and different reliable online sources. However, they should be careful and not fall prey to misinformation, which is very rampant on the internet.

How does medical misinformation act as a problem in the overall treatment procedure?

It is a huge problem as medical misinformation can lead to very serious physical, mental and emotional distress for individuals from all age groups.

A few advice that you always give to your patients…

I advise my patients to limit the use of internet to search about the symptoms that they are experiencing. Always seek help in case of any issue even if you feel that you’ll be able to manage. And don’t go for self-medication.

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