Concept of cancer in Ayurveda: Explained by Dr Reena Arora

Last Updated on February 7, 2023 by Team THIP

According to the World Health Organization, cancer is one of the leading causes of fatalities in the world. In the year 2020 only, nearly 10 million people succumbed to cancer globally. In the path of their treatment and recovery, patients still find themselves suffering from the side-effects of cancer treatment. Ayurveda is said to offer an alternative path for the same. To understand cancer treatment and its scope in Ayurveda, THIP media reached out to Dr Reena Arora, who is an Ayurveda practitioner from the last 20 years and has also worked with International Herbal Centre and Amrita Ayurveda. She has been a frequent speaker on All India Radio and DD National.

What does the ancient ayurvedic scriptures state about the treatment of cancer?

In Ayurveda, cancer is not specifically mentioned as a disease. However, there are many diseases which are treated like cancer. This depends on the etiopathogenesis (cause and development) of the disease, i.e., Samprapti, and depending upon the doshas (vata, pitta, kapha), we decide the mode of treatment and other modalities. 

Are there any methodologies that have been mentioned in the ancient scriptures for the management of modern-day cancer? If yes, does modern research approve of these methodologies?

Yes. The Panchkarma treatments mentioned in Ayurveda are very helpful in the treatment of cancer. Rasayan therapy helps with the treatment of low immunity, weakness, falling of hair and many other symptoms in cancer patients. There are also dietary therapies, environmental therapies and other healthy regimes like yoga and pranayam that help in treating a cancer patient along with other internal medicines, i.e., rasa aushadhis, as mentioned in Ayurveda. People should take these medicines from a qualified vaidya only. These methodologies are described in Ayurveda in different contexts. There are a few diseases which are treated like cancer such as arbuda, sannipata, etc. So the treatment methodologies like panchkarma and other internal medicines and dietary therapies are used in the treatment of cancer.

Would you recommend that a cancer patient solely rely on Ayurveda?

In my opinion, they should not. At the very initial stage of cancer, it is appropriate to go for ayurvedic treatment. However, if cancer has progressed to even the first or second stage, then I will advise that they should go for an integrated system of medicine so that the patient recovers. This is because any one system is not sufficient to treat a progressing cancer. Neither allopathic nor ayurvedic treatments would work on their own. Both can work very well in this disease together.

Also, I would like to say one thing on this platform that we should not try to prove ayurvedic treatments on the modern parameters because the system, the treatment of doshas and all the modalities are different in both systems. We advise diet for every disease, and this is fruitful for the treatment of the disease. In Allopathy, they don’t give much dietary advice. So this is one example that the treatment modalities are probably different. So, we should not prove a disease or any research on the basis of modern parameters. Ayurveda has its own parameters and we should analyse a disease on the basis of these parameters.

What should a cancer patient keep in mind while seeking ayurvedic treatment?

When a patient is taking ayurvedic treatment, they should follow all the advice given by the doctor. The dietary regime is of much importance. The daily lifestyle with routine is also very important. Yoga, pranayam and all the things which are advised with the treatment should be followed religiously and the medicines should be taken as advised by the doctor. There are many decoctions that are advised by the doctor, and they should be taken in the same way as they have been asked to.

Are there any side effects associated with herbal therapeutics used for the treatment of cancer? 

There may be side effects if you’re not consulting a qualified ayurvedic practitioner and you are taking the medicines on your own on the basis of random information available on the Internet and otherwise. You should always consult a doctor. Every patient is different even if the disease is the same. Therefore, the treatment may be different in every case. This is a personalised system of medicine. We cannot give one medicine to everyone even for the same disease. Therefore, a patient should never take ayurvedic medicines without consulting a qualified ayurvedic doctor.

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